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AI and IoT Solutions

Technology has dramatically changed the way we live today, and there is no denial. Compared to our ancestors, we are far from using different techniques for our daily work.Many of the technologies that have evolved over the past two years have revolutionized our lives and are impossible to include them all. Although technology evolves rapidly over time, we can observe the trends in which it evolves. This year, 2017 is expected to continue with the same kind of trends.In this article, we’ll discuss some of the great trends this year that will make us look beyond the horizon.His 2016 Gartner hype for emerging technologies has identified many technologies that will be in vogue this year. The course demonstrates how technological innovations redefine customer marketing relationships.This year, Gartner identified chains, connected homes, cognitive consultants, machine learning, software knowledge security and more. Major technological trends, it is likely to change business models and ecosystems.


Known as “distributed ledger technology” for both financial and non-financial transactions, it is one of the most ambiguous concepts that technologists can only understand in depth. Many blockchain advances helped many people and more companies in 2016 realize their potential in the banking and financial sector. This year, blockchain technology is expected to extend beyond the banking sector alone, helping startups and businesses meet market needs through various application offerings.

Internet of things and smart home technology

With so many things coming up, we’re already looking at the world of interconnected things, right? Our dreams of living in smart homes have been somewhat fulfilled in 2016. What prevents us from achieving our dreams of living in connected smart homes?In fact, the market is full of many individual devices and applications, but only a few solutions integrate them into one comprehensive user experience. 2017 is expected to notice this trend to take an important step in achieving our dreams.

Artificial intelligence and learning goddesses

In recent years, artificial intelligence and automated learning have occupied the world with amazing inventions and innovative technologies. By monitoring progress in this area, it will not be a fictional experience in a world where robots and machines will dominate society.

Software-specific security

In 2016, we have seen significant growth in increasing server security. Many organizations have begun to recognize the importance of cybersecurity so they can become digital businesses. The growth of cloud infrastructure drives strong demand for unstructured data management. In addition, the lack of technical expertise and data security are the main obstacles to the significant growth in the software-defined security market this year.

Automate it

Automation will be the cornerstone throughout 2017, and the next few years will transform the business technology industry by enabling automation of man-made tasks. When combined with automated learning with automation, marketers are likely to experience significant business opportunities with better results in the market.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR transform the way users interact with each other and with their software systems. 2016 has been marked by innovative developments in AR and VR technology.With the launch of Oculus Rift, the market generated overwhelming user feedback, giving way to a lot of VR-based applications and games. Plus, when Pokémon was released back, it completely redefines the gaming experience.

Customized services

In recent years, the global market has had a major reaction to the services being demanded. Thanks to new companies such as Uber, Toggi, etc., they launched a fleet of taxi-on-demand services and food delivery services in just a few clicks. This trend has led to the development of many mobile applications, offering multiple on-demand services at your fingertips. Although these services were limited to specific areas, it is expected to reach the maximum number of locations in 2017.

Smart applications

Smart applications include technologies that use personal digital assistants, which have the talent to transform the workplace into a more interactive place with effective communication. Using AI technology, service providers will focus on independent business processes that will take full advantage of big data tools to improve customer experience.

Humanized big data (visual, apathy, qualitative)

In recent years, big data is a big issue and created a sensation in the global market. The intention is that large amounts of data collected, which we can access, can help us in everything from planning advanced medical treatments to deploying premium business promotion strategies.The biggest strength of big data lies in its quantitative and digital bases, which is also a big weakness. Knowing Donald Trump’s success in the US election, big data analysis and practice in decision-making raises many questions. Big data is expected to see major breakthroughs in 2017, helping marketers to humanize and look for compassionate qualitative data to display in a more visual way.

What do you think of these emerging trends?

Most of us know that formulating hypotheses is usually a feat, but predicting something about future technology in the year is a futile practice. These trends may be additional, but the cited indicators are likely to attract market attention in 2017.

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