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How to perform the Umrah step by step

Umrah is an Arabic word meaning “visiting populated places.” Unlike the Hajj, it is not obligatory and is voluntarily performed by the Muslims to show their devotion to the almighty Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed (between her and the previous one). And the reward of Hajj Mubrar (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing other than Paradise. ”

Umrah requires a little homework. You must know about the rituals and how to perform them. But everything comes later. First, you have to choose a package of Umrah. There are a variety of Umrah packages, choose according to your needs.

Cheap Umrah Package UK

How to perform the Umrah step by step

Let me break the Umrah in steps for you, so that it will be easier for you to understand. Let us begin.

Step 1:

Before leaving home, you must take the following actions to ensure that you are prepared to enter the state of Ihram:

  • Trim the nails.
  • Shave the armpits and pubic hair.
  • Men should trim their mustache if they have one.
  • Take a bath
  • The perfume can be applied to the body but not to the Ihram leaf.

Remember, you have not yet entered the state of Ihram. You will not do it until you have pronounced Ihram’s intention, and that is done once you have approved the Miqat.

Recite the following Dua when leaving your house:

Step 2:

  • You have gone to Saudi Arabia. Make sure you’re in Ihram’s clothes.
  • For men, it is sandals and two sheets of white.
  • For women, it is their usual clothing and footwear, on which they wear the Hijab or Jilbab.
  • Once you have reached Miqat, enter the state of Ihram by pronouncing the following words.
  • “Here I am, oh Allah, doing Umrah”

Note: In the state of Ihram, the following restrictions apply:

  • Both men and women:
  • The nails can not be trimmed.
  • The hair can not be removed.
  • The perfumes can not be applied on the body or the fabric.
  • They can not get married.
  • You must not be involved in any sexual activity.


  • The head should not be covered.
  • You can not use sewn clothes.


  • The face should not be covered.
  • You can not wear gloves.

Step 3:

You will perform Tawaaf (طواف) upon entering Masjid-al-Haram (ٱلمسجد ٱلحرام) in Mecca. Men must unclog their right shoulder during the first 3 rounds. Continue with the Black Stone (الحجر الأسود) and kiss it, touch it or simply gesticulate towards it.

Once he has surrounded the Kaaba (لكعبة) seven times, his Tawaf is completed.

Recite this Dua upon entering Masjid-al-Haram:

“In the name of Allah, O Allah, exalt the mention of your messenger, O Allah, forgive my sins and open the doors of your mercy to me.

Stage 4:

After performing Tawaaf, proceed to Maqam-e-Ibrahim (A.S.) and offer the prayer. Once you have done that, proceed to Zam Zam and drink from it, you can also pour something on your head.

The Quran says:

“And I take you (the people) the Maqam (place) of Ibrahim as a place of prayer” (2: 125)

Step 5:

Now you will have to perform Sa’i (سعي). Arrive at Mount Safa (الصفا) and walk towards Mount Marwa (المروة), upon arrival you will complete a circuit. You will have to do it seven times to complete the ritual.

“In fact, as-Safa and al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever does Hajj in the House or performs’ umrah – can not be blamed for walking among them. And whoever offers himself well, certainly, Allah appreciates and knows. “(2: 158)

Step 6:

This is the final step. Men should shave their heads or trim their hair equally. Women are only forced to cut the ends of their hair.

So this is, it’s just the general description of how to perform the umrah step by step. You can read and learn more about this on the Internet or in a book. All you have to do is concentrate on how to perform Umrah and allow us to manage your travel problems, such as flights, accommodation, transportation, etc. Have a great trip.

You would love to read our Frequently Asked Questions about Hajj and Umrah. It will help you to know more about your sacred journey.

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