According to Buffer’s 2019 Social Status Report, the format of the stories is the next big news in social media marketing for businesses, Stories have been “somewhat effective” with over 57% of brands. “Or” very effective “for marketing. According to Instagram, 33% of the most viewed stories come from companies. A story is a collection of photos or videos that are available to view for 24 hours. Snapchat was the first social media channel to use the concept of stories, launching Snapchat Stories in 2013. Instagram started offering Instagram Stories in 2016 and Facebook (which has Instagram since 2012) launched Facebook Stories in 2017.

Now more than 500 million people use Instagram stores every day, and Facebook stores reach 500 million active users daily in April 2019.As with most things, when a lot of people use a certain medium, the Advertising soon follows. Instagram began giving users access to their business accounts by launching Instagram Stories ads in 2017, and Facebook did the same with Facebook Stories ads in late 2018. Both Instagram and Facebook offer ads that appear in the news, but because story ads are less expensive and more effective than news ads, many companies have been changing their advertising budgets to focus more on story ads.

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According to new Kenshoo data, spending on Instagram Stories ads grew 186% from 2018 to 2019, while spending on news ads slowed. In a survey conducted for Facebook by Ipsos, 69% of people who use stories said that stories are an excellent way for brands to inform them about new products or services, and 62% said they were more interested in a brand or product after seeing it. in a story.

What You Need To Know About Story Ads On Facebook And Instagram

Create Your Story Ad

  • Until now, Facebook Stories ads can only be used as a complement to existing advertising campaigns on Facebook or Instagram Stories news.
  • You can use an existing feed ad as a story ad, but don’t do it: normal Facebook and Instagram ad formats don’t translate well into stories. Be sure to use an original story ad creative that has been optimized for the story experience.
  • Like stories, story ads have a full-screen vertical format. Use a portrait-oriented image with the recommended resolution of 1,080 x 1,920 pixels and make sure it fits the style of other stories.
  • For images, you can choose a single image or a carousel of up to six images. For videos, you can only use a video of 60 seconds or less.

What To Include

  • The key to story announcements is to let the image tell the story. Use a creative and compelling image and minimal text.
  • The most popular types of story ads are those that offer a sale or promotion, present a new product or offer tips or suggestions.
  • Your story ad should also include your brand name and logo as an overlay on the image, so be sure to use an image that has space for those items.
  • Don’t forget the sound: 60% of Instagram stories are seen with sound activated.

URL Be sure to include your URL and Call to Action (there are 13 to choose from).

Performance Tracking And Guidance

  • Stories ads on Instagram and Facebook have full measurement and ad orientation capabilities, with objectives that include reach, brand recognition, video views, application installation, conversion, traffic and lead generation.
  • As with other ads, you can see how story ads work using the Insights section, which allows you to track clicks, reactions, website visits, conversions and more.

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