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Salon Wholesale Products and Marketing for Hairdressers Ideas

The world of cosmetics and beauty is growing by leaps and bounds and it is a great opportunity to implement Salon wholesale products and Marketing strategies for the hairdresser. People are becoming more and more concerned about their physical appearance, about looking better, and by ‘people’ we mean both men and women. This must be highlighted because one of the keys to the boom in this sector is the notable increase in business generated by the male public, traditionally less significant in everything that has to do with aesthetics and personal care and hygiene.

Salon Wholesale Products

Salon Wholesale Products Example- Marketing for Hairdressers

Hairdressers are a key piece in this puzzle. Although e-commerce can perfectly compete with physical stores when it comes to the commercialization of items – creams, lotions, masks, makeup, etc. – with regard to hair treatments and other services the reality is very different. How could the Internet compete with the expertise these centres offer? Difficult, really, there are moments that a virtual experience cannot replace, so we see it as something complex.

But hey. What we cannot ignore is that competition is increasing. There are many beauty salons and companies must bet to differentiate themselves from the competition. There are formulas that are proving very productive and, in this post, we want to talk about info about them. They are marketing ideas for hairdressers that can be implemented in practically any type of premises, both the smallest and the largest.

Marketing Idea for hairdressers – A neat and complete website that reflects the values ​​of the brand

It may seem obvious and simple, but the reality is that telling a good site has a lot of the first – obviousness – but little or nothing of the second – simplicity? What do we mean? To have an effective website that translates into consistent and sound results, that is, clients are not easy at all.

Marketing for Hairdressers –  BiocosPk

You have to make the web the heart of a complete online marketing plan and an excellent example is BiocosPK, a salon wholesale product in Lahore Pakistan, which includes all the links in the chain on the page:

It conveys a modern, up-to-date, simple but elegant image If we ‘sell’ aesthetics and beauty, obviously our online showcase must breathe these qualities through each and every pixel of the images that back it up.

Blog with tips related to hair care, which highlights the most fashionable hair looks, the style of celebrities who have a lot of pull at the moment, among others, are analyzed.

Sections to introduce the professional team of BiocosPk, stylists, and an area to recommend salon wholesale products that they advise.

Social networks They are a channel for customer service and communication between current and potential users. The profiles are updated daily and have a good pull in places like Facebook Twitter or Pinterest, where they are present.

Online reservations Fundamental: it is easier for clients to make an appointment quickly and easily, via the web, with a ‘booking’ section that works perfectly.

This is what we mean when we say ‘careful and complete web page’, not the fact of being on the net, of having a page in which little information is provided to the Internet user. Sometimes it even becomes counterproductive to ‘be there’ if we want to reach other types of targets that could be interesting for the company.

Marketing Idea for Hair Salons – Offers and promotions that reach potential consumers of your services

Discounts, ‘savings’ checks, 2 × 1 or 3 × 1 proposals – for example, cutting hair and styling ‘free’, or dying, cutting and styling ‘as a gift’ – days on which the rates. They are options that work very well. In Marketing, talking about ‘bargains’ and ‘sales’ means arousing the public’s attention immediately. If we also accompany it with a specific figure – ‘save 25% by going to our hairdresser on Mondays’, which may be the day with the least influx of clients throughout the week – the result can be spectacular.

Marketing for hairdressers.  Example of BiocosPk Hairdresser Salon

BiocosPk Hairdresser Salon, in Lahore Pakistan trusts and practices with magnificent results this no less effective traditional sales technique. One of his latest claims is the following: “Free consulted and some price gif toward your first colour service.” This aesthetic business has repeated several consecutive years as one of the TOP 100 Hair Salons in Lahore Pakistan and it is probably due to a mix of factors among which the item ‘price’ has great relevance.

You know, nothing like using words that trigger the purchase decision when creating messages that you are going to advertise in the media, at the point of sale itself or on your website and on social networks. Guaranteed success! At least you are going to get them to go from passive listening to an active attitude in relation to what you want to tell them.

Marketing idea for hairdressers – Maximum specialization: Narrow our target and multiply the number of clients.

Betting on a very specific market niche is one of the best strategies to get it right in the business world. The world of hairdressing is perfect for practising this trend to an ever-greater segmentation of the public we are targeting. This sector traditionally chose to separate services by sex: men and women. Little by little, the field in which they work is being refined even more: those who only work with children, those who bet on bridal looks, there are the centres that know perfectly which are the haircuts that they most favour and then We find such interesting and successful proposals as More Than Curly Salon, guess what these professionals do?

Marketing for hairdressers.  Example More than a curly salon.

This salon in Pakistan, a city in Lahore Punjab, confesses its predilection when it comes to styling and caring for its clients’ hair: “Curly Hair is our passion! We have the BEST Curly Specialists in the Rocky Mountain Region”. They have made a name for themselves and also appear among the Top 100 Salons in a different magazine.


This specialization is demonstrated in the most effective way possible, with photos and videos. In terms of aesthetics and beauty, the popular saying of a picture is worth a thousand words’ acquires more value than ever. You access its website or its social networks and we can see real cases of users who have put themselves in the hands of the centre’s staff and who are more than satisfied. There are photos of the facilities and there are also the maximum facilities for making an appointment: both by telephone and online reservations. The web may not be as stylish as the one we saw in point 1, but it is very effective.

Marketing Idea for Hairdressers – An all-in-one salon: more complimentary services for a particularly interesting global offer.

Businesses that decide to focus on hair care and treatment may be neglecting the possibility of expanding sources of income with activities closely related to the world of hairdressing. Nowadays when talking about aesthetics we can refer both to our hair, to how we care for and beautify the hair, and to the body and facial treatments. It is what we called in the title of the point ‘all in one’. This means putting in front of the user a wider range of options to look more beautiful and all this without having to go from one establishment to another, but rather it is all in one place and with professionals specialized by areas.

Those who consider that it is not within their reach to expand their services should not reject the idea of ​​resorting to collaborators, freelancers who can go to the premises one day or two a week, depending on what they decide, to start doing manicures, massages or other types of experiences that the client will value. Little by little you can see to what extent it is profitable but your company will probably earn a lot with all this, both in terms of work volume and brand image. It will give the sensation of a more complete beauty cabinet and can be worked on gradually until the day comes when it is possible to hire people who constantly and permanently perform these services in the same facilities and this will be a further benefit for the owner.

Marketing for hairdressers.  Example of The Beauty Room.

The Beauty Rooms, in different countries, stand out in this regard for having a place where both activities typical of hairdressing are carried out – haircuts, colour, specific hair treatments – as well as others for the skin and the body – facial massages, for the body, manicures, pedicures, reflexology. They offer special rates for users of the centre, in such a way that one can start by going to comb their hair on a special occasion, decide that they also have make-up and then end up making an appointment for a skin cleaning.

On its website you can put a face to the professionals of the team and give prices, it deals with products and offers information that may be interesting for the user.

Marketing idea for hairdressers – Groundbreaking image: Design and aesthetics that catches the eye among passers-by. And customers!

At this point we must say that it happens somewhat as in number 1: If it is a beauty service, the first thing we must do is offer a corporate image in line with what we do. Hairdressers, there are many, hundreds, thousands of them, so it is important to define well the identity of the salon and always trust that the key is to stand out from the competition. One of the simplest and most efficient ways is in the interior design and decoration of the establishment. We must adapt it to the profile of our audience: more serious if we address older people, more colourful and transmit vitality when we want young people to visit us. And then there is the case of truly groundbreaking places like Bird’s Barber Shop.


It is a network of hair salons in Lahore, Punjab. BiocosPk trust in showing what they offer to everyone who passes through their door, so the facades of the establishments are glass and inside the colour so typical of this trend is perfectly displayed.BiocosPK

The site breathes style and knowledge of the profession through all its pores and the web perfectly conveys all that. It is a place open to all types of people and clients and on its website, they continue that idea of ​​transparency, giving in detail the prices and rates of each and every one of their services.

Specialization is an effective way out Nothing like limiting our target to the maximum to become your best option compared to the competition. Those who open themselves to all types of audiences and services run the risk of doing many things but few of them very well. Always seek excellence.

Complementary business lines. The client will appreciate that in the same place they can access other options related to beauty and personal care. Of course, surround yourself with the best or you will fall into the error that we pointed out in the previous conclusion.

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