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SEO 101: Is Your Website Getting Crawled Properly?

We all want to have our site ranking higher for our keywords, and try everything possible to improve the performance of our website.
Most of the technologies we use are focused on creating exciting content and user value online, which should be largely.
But even the best content on the web can fail to improve the performance of a website if search engine robots can not crawl and index your site effectively.
So how do you make sure that your website is easily crawled and indexed by Google, Bing, and other search engines?
How do you make sure that your star content is not being missed or ignored by search robots?
Create a friendly XML site map for the robot, so.

What is an XML Sitemap?

An XML site map is simply a data file that contains a list of all pages within a website. Search engine robots use this sitemap to specify pages so that they can be indexed more easily for search results.
Although using a Sitemap does not guarantee better page rankings, it ensures that your site is easily crawled by search robots.
If your search engine robots are unable to crawl your site or if your site is crawled and indexed for a long time, your overall performance will be online.
So, let’s take a look at some basic tips to create a robot-friendly XML site map for your website.

How the Heck Do I Create an XML Sitemap?

There are two basic ways to create a Sitemap …
Using software – In this category, there are two options at the top of my list. The first is XML Sitemaps and the other is Screaming Frog. Either will create an appropriate XML Sitemap for up to 500 pages using the free version. If you only need a Sitemap, navigate with Sitemaps for XML, but Scream Frog will exceed your limits and show you site errors.
Use an additional component – if you’re using WordPress, I like these Google XML map files the best. Although most WP sites contain Yoast that works on search engine optimization (SEO) that can handle your XML sitemap needs, I turn it off and re-run this plugin instead because it allows you to prioritize your pages in search robots.

Split your Sitemap into categories

XML Sitemap files are limited to 10 MB or 50,000 URLs. While the search robot can easily read files of this size, it can not do so quickly.
The longer it takes the search engine robot to crawl your site, the longer it takes to index its content and return a page rank to the specified search.
If your website is fairly large, you can create a number of different and smaller Sitemaps, making it easier for crawlers to crawl.
You can create a general Sitemap for all the top pages, a secondary Sitemap for your internal pages, and another for your publication pages. The Google XML Sitemaps component will do this for you.
This does not make crawling easy to search that crawls, but it makes the fastest and easiest update when you make any changes to your website.

Robots.txt file

The robots.txt file goes hand in hand with search engine crawling, and tells the search engine mainly to comment on the search engine on which pages to crawl and what pages to ignore.
The information you include in your robots.txt file will ensure that the search robot crawls your site in the easiest possible way. You can also use a robots.txt file to guide the search bot by ignoring (noindex) any specific areas of your website. Take a look at the official website for more details.
Make sure to include links to all Sitemaps in your robots.txt file to make sure they’re most important if you’re not on WordPress. You can manually create the file and place it on

Remove broken links

There are many sitemaps that can scan your website and automatically generate an XML Sitemap. These tools are easy to use and can save a lot of time. The added benefit is that a tool like Screaming Frog will show you broken pages and links that result in a 404 “non-existent page” error.
When these error pages end in the XML site map, they can get rid of the search bot and slow down its progress significantly.
Error pages are also something that Google and other search engines do not hate, so it’s important to identify and remove these broken links as quickly as possible.
Once you’ve created your Sitemap, do not break the broken pages and make sure you redirect 301 or 302 to all broken links.

I have my XML file from XML, now what?

Once the Sitemap is complete, store it in the root folder of your website, just like a robots.txt file.
You’ll also need to submit it to Google Webmaster Tools using the Sitemaps tab in the dashboard. You can resubmit your Sitemap at any time to coincide with any changes to your website.
Creating an XML site map for your website makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. While this will not guarantee an increase in your page’s page rankings, it’s the first step to attract Google and other search engines.
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