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Who should get an EPC?

The purpose of an EPC Report London is to provide information about the energy consumption of a home and the typical energy costs, and to make recommendations on how to reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency.

It is the responsibility of the property seller or lessor to arrange an EPC that is shown to potential buyers or renters. EPCs are required by law in the UK and are valid for 10 years. If the seller or landlord does not have an EPC, they can be fined £ 200.

There are a number of exceptions to the requirement to have an EPC. For example, a rented room in a house does not require an EPC, although an independent flat in a larger house with its own front door and amenities does need one. Listed buildings are often exempt from the EPC requirement if they cannot be modified to make them more energy efficient.

It is possible to view EPCs for each property that has one (unless the owner has logged out) in the national EPC register.

If you own a commercial property, you must also have an EPC if one of the following applies to you:

  • You rent or sell your property.
  • A building under construction is completed.
  • Changes are made to the parts of the building for individual occupation, including changes or additions to heating, air and ventilation systems.

View our Energy Performance Certificate page for companies for more information about obtaining a commercial EPC.

EPC Report London

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Do I have to buy an EPC when buying or renting a property?

You should never be charged for an EPC when you are looking to buy or rent, it must be handed over for free by the seller or landlord.

If you are a landlord or seller, you must at least order this certificate before you market the property (you may be able to use the EPC that you received when you purchased the property, if it is still valid).

If you own a commercial property that you want to sell or lease, you must also organize an EPC.

If you are interested in the energy performance of your home, there is nothing to stop you from getting one for personal use – but you have to pay for it.

Who can perform an EPC?

An accredited domestic energy expert must provide you with your EPC.

You can offer the services of one through a broker or rental agent, but you can find one yourself if you prefer or want to compare prices. You can also visit the EPC register to find accredited assessors for your region.

How much does an EPC cost?

There are no fixed costs for an EPC, it depends on a number of factors, including what type of home you live in and how many bedrooms it has. The area where you live can also significantly influence the price.

EPC prices usually start at £ 35, but a certificate for a large house in an expensive city can easily cost that multiple times.

What information is displayed on an EPC?

An EPC is a relatively simple certificate. It looks a bit like the multicolored sticker that you get on new household appliances.

Here is a brief overview of what is included:

Energy efficiency rating

Part of your EPC will be dedicated to how energy efficient your property is. It is classified from A to G, with A for an energy-efficient, well-insulated, probably modern house, and G for a drastic old building where the wind is rattling against the walls.

You will usually find that an older building without energy-saving technology installed afterwards has a D-class.

Landlords are required to achieve at least an E-class. Unless there is an accepted exemption, landlords will be fined up to £ 4,000 for not meeting the minimum efficiency requirement


Click Here For Info: Landlords Electrical Certificate London

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