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Buying things during the period after the Hajj and Umrah

What is Umrah?

Umrah is a journey of utmost satisfaction and pleasure for the traveler himself and also for the person left by the traveler. To be on this sacred journey is respected by God Almighty and one should feel very respectable for being a visitor to God.

When returning home after performing Umrah or Hajj, it is common practice for pilgrims to offer gifts to family, neighbors, relatives and relatives. Even small gifts are admired by the recipient because they belong to the Holy Land and are retained as symbols of respect and prestige by the recipient.

There are some items that a pilgrim must buy for himself, as well as for present-day displays on nearby and beneficial products at the same time and certainly will be admired by others. It is up to you exactly whether you want to wait another year or do this year.

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Ajwa Dates:

Ajwa is the only form of dates planted by the Prophet Muhammad echoing himself. Therefore, the blessings and benefits of this history are innumerable because its factory is honored to touch the holiest holiest in the world. These dates are not only good for health and have unlimited benefits but it is also a wonderful gift taken with you to your home country.

Normally, almost all pilgrims bring their dates home and the dates are taken for special things because they are a bit expensive than other dates. Dates are talented or served at a time when people come to meet a person who was on the Holy Land to perform Umrah.

Zamzam Water:

Dates are not only served, but Zamzam water is also served or served as a gift to nearby water. Zamzam water is miraculous water so its benefits can not be denied. Unlike the Muslim view, Zamzam well water proved to be scientifically beneficial.

Zamzam water is taken in cans and bottles by all pilgrims who visit the Sacred Mosque for Umrah. Do you know when you perform Umrah with the help of the Umrah package, Zamzam water is available at the airport?

Prophet Boti:

Boti is an Arabic word meaning “herb” in English. Healthy herbs in all ways have been used for a very long time to treat diseases. Even in today’s advanced world, many diseases have been treated with herbs. It is a herb that can be found in the city and is best for people who have difficulty having a baby.

This herb was known as the “Prophet Boti” because it was picked up by the Prophet Muhammad himself when someone consulted him and asked him to give him a child. Wahi was at that time picking grass. The Prophet Muhammad gave it to the person and was able to have a child. This herb is best for bringing couples who are having infertility problems.

Sugar Boti:

The names of these herbs are largely consistent with their functions as Sugar Boti is suitable for people with diabetes. Diabetes is a disease with problems in the pancreas that closes to produce the necessary physical insulin to receive sweetness in nutrition. It can help control the level of sugar in the body.

Maryam Bouti:

This herb is best to be gifted to pregnant women because they are herbs that can help a lady to overcome labor pains during childbirth and also manage and speed up the work process.


If we say ITAR present to Saudi Arabia it will not be wrong because itar is available in Medina and Mecca especially in its perfume. Being the home of the Almighty, the cities sell Itar which is non alcoholic.

It is less expensive and lasts for hours because of its strong odor. You can give it to a male family member as a beautiful gift.

Other elements:

Other items that should be presented to the house include gold, accessories, jewelry, silver pools, amber, nuts, stones including precious, sandalwood, toothpick and many other similar objects.

Umrah Trip

When you are about to go on a journey to the most respected place on Earth, the last thing you think about is your packaging. But some people may be on their way to the journey of divine life quickly, so I just asked to take a moment and give a few pieces of guidance to the women who will travel soon to do the holy worship, Umrah trip.

So, most of the steps are the same for men and women but there are some points where there is a difference. Check out the Umrah Guide for Women below,

Different points of men

See some different points here,

  • Ihram is different, men are a specific process but women should be properly prevented.
  • If the woman in the menstrual cycle need to refrain from performing Umrah.
  • Men should shave their heads after Say’ee but there is no same situation for women. They just cut their hair length nails.
  • Loudspeakers and sand only for Hajj.
  • Student women said in a low voice but men loudly.

Tips before Umrah booking

For women, there are some restrictions in Islam for Hajj and Umrah. Therefore, women take them seriously and understand everything concerning this sacred journey. Most women want to go to Umrah with cheap Umrah tourist trips with best Umrah services. If you are looking for inexpensive Umrah packages you can contact with Umrah experts who have many of the best Umrah packages for Muslims.

  • Knowledge or information

Get all the information and instructions for Umrah such as how to wear ihram and the importance of your visit and what you need to bring with this trip

  • Find a real agent

After that, you can find a reliable and trustworthy agent with experience in travel services, tickets, services and hotels.

  • Muharram

Without a mahram, a woman can not perform Umrah. Therefore, women must go with at least one haraam.

Packing list for Umrah

If you find a real agent and you have a plan for Umrah you need some tips and tricks to fill your bags. According to Islam you must clear all your legal responsibility and pay all your dues before the holy journey.

  • Passport and ID card
  • Air tickets and hotel vouchers
  • Transportation vouchers

Ihram, towels and umbrellas

  • Toothbrush and paste, sleepers, soap and shampoo
  • Biscuits, juices and tissues • Basic medicine, round the clock, facial wash
  • Socks, glasses and extra batteries
  • Water bottles

These tips and tricks before and after the Umrah reservation. You should read them carefully before leaving  Umrah.

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