Top hacks for WordPress
The most popular thing about WordPress here at Siamcomm is how easy it is to power the platform with new authentic features, all thanks to the available add-ons. There are approximately 38,000+ free additives available and thousands of other premiums available. Almost a plug is available for everyone’s needs as well as a budget. If you decide to do online for tricks, hints or tips associated with WordPress, there will certainly be an article covering plugins that will show you what you are looking for.
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In fact, blog posts are hard to find on WordPress hacks that contain no plugins there! Plugins are very powerful tools, but they are not always necessary to enable specific features because the WordPress platform can do some great things on its own. So the question is: How many cool features can you enable WordPress without using any plugins? Below is a list that we have put together which shows the best parts (or the tracks you can choose) which you can start playing with them immediately and find yourself that you don’t always need to use plugins. Note: The following code inputs for your website may be broken. Make a backup before you start testing yourself.
Administrative Control Code and dashboard
Replace the Log With Yours log
Let us start with a WordPress branding identity: Have you ever wanted to replace the standard WordPress logo on the signature page with your own or your client? Here is the code you need. Simply paste the following on your file functions.php:
function my_custom_login_logo () {
echo << style type = “text / css”>;
echo ‘h1 a {background-image: url (‘ get_bloginfo (‘template_directory’)) ‘/ images / custom-login-logo.gif! } ‘;
echo ‘</style>;
add_action (‘login_head’, ‘my_custom_login_logo’);
The communication of your brand is not meant to be the first blow you can do without the need to install add-ons.
Change of Administrative Log
Would you like the WordPress panel to be like your business? Or you may want to include one of your client logos? Would it be awesome right? But if a plugin is being installed to do this, there is too little. So what about if you could do it without needing a plug at all? Well you can. Open the function.php file and paste the following:
function my_custom_login_logo () {
echo << style type = “text / css”>;
echo ‘h1 a {background-image: url (‘ get_bloginfo (‘template_directory’)) ‘/ images / custom-login-logo.gif! } ‘;
echo ‘</style>;
add_action (‘login_head’, ‘my_custom_login_logo’);
Now you need to enter your choice logo into the wp-images folder and name it admin_logo.png and that’s it!
Disable WordPress Login Tips
It is very important that you keep your WordPress site secure. Fortunately there is one thing that could help the hackney world become more difficult: Not to provide detailed error messages on the login page. You can disable these warning messages by copying the following code and paste it into your functions.php file.
function no_wordpress_errors () {
back NOW !! ‘;
add_filter (‘login_errors’, ‘no_wordpress_errors’);
In doing this, you will not show any useful clues and tips that may be further exploited by a hacker.
Stay Signed into WordPress for Longer Periods
If you work in a public place and use a public network wi-fi, or using a different computer, the best practice is always logging out after your sessions. But when you are using your own home network and your computer, you have to spend it out for a long time. So, how to extend your login session by inserting the code below into your file functions.php:
add_filter (‘auth_cookieIf_expiration’, ‘stay_logged_in_for_1_year’);
function bac_logged_in_for_1_year ($ expired) {
return 31556926; // 1 year in seconds
By default, you will be kept in 2 weeks after checking the “remember me” option when you log in. You can change the expiry date of the authorized cookie; replace the “31556926” with your own time.
Replace “Howdy” with “Logged off” in the WordPress Bar
If you don’t like the “Howdy” message on the WordPress menu bar, or if it is too informal for you, go to your file functions.php and add:
function replace_howdy( $wp_admin_bar ) {
$newtitle = str_replace( ‘Howdy,’, ‘Logged in as’, $my_account->title );
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
‘id’ => ‘my-account’,
‘title’ => $newtitle,
) );
add_filter( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘replace_howdy’,25 );
Just type your fresh message as the 2nd element in the $newtitle array, then you are done.
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