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Custom printed paper bags enhance your business.

Printed paper bags are all the rage in high-end stores.

What are the benefits for retailers and is it worth changing?

You may have noticed that more and more people are using paper bags to transport their goods to department stores. From high fashion brands to well-known brands, everyone seems to pack their products in custom printed paper bags.

 paper bags

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There are many reasons why paper bags are an excellent choice for businesses: low environmental impact, reusability, adding a luxurious brand identity.

Let’s take a look at why custom paper bags should be at the top of your shopping list.

Paper bags are better for the environment

They are biodegradable and are not made using harmful chemicals like their plastic substitutes. So, not only are paper bags perfect for reducing pollution from manufacturing processes, but they will not end up clogging a landfill for decades.

You can recycle your paper bags, often made from recycled materials!

Recycling is the best way to protect the environment. Paper bags are strong and strong enough to be used again and again. When they are finished, put them with your recycled paper and they will be used to do something else. We think it’s great.

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Custom printed bags are perfect for advertising

You can not only print your logo on a paper bag, but you can also choose any color or pattern. Whatever your marketing message, you will distribute it to your target audience free of charge when your customers bring their purchases home.

What’s better for business than seeing a satisfied customer wear their logo on a paper bag?

Paper bags can be a luxurious addition to your brand

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The brand is so important to any business and the custom paper bags are of different types. We are not just talking about a plain brown kraft paper bag. From rolled paper bags to paper bags with ribbons or ropes – choose from our range to match your brand identity

Avoid picking on plastic bags

If you do not want to charge your customers every time they need a carry bag, printed paper bags are the solution. They are not included in the government tax and customers will be grateful to have forgotten to bring their “bag for life”.

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Traditionally, a quality paper bag is a mark of exclusivity and has been the preserve of superior brands. Custom printed paper bags are now available for all retailers and there is no reason not to change plastic bags. Your brand position will improve and your customers will benefit.

From the moment your product is delivered, your choice of bag will influence the buyer’s impressions of the purchase. In other words, your brand bag will make the conversation for you.

Concentrate on your client

How will your custom printed bag feel? You want her to be proud of her purchase and excited to unpack it. Premium packaging will add an emotional sense of pleasure and physical evidence of the quality of your brand. So add ribbon handles or gold letters, or maybe a simple design and a tactile finish. Call on your ideal customer and she will connect to your business.


Luxury bags for your products

Rope handles, laminated matte finish, designer graphics: There are many ways to give your printed transport bag a sense of luxury. But take the time to explore the best bag style for your product. Choose the right size and good resistance so that your bag does the best job possible. With a little luck, it can be used and reused. Ideal for your customers, the environment and your business.

Brand advertising

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The high-quality professional printing of your bag is crucial. But do not just apply your logo to a bag and make sure it looks great: check that your supplier can help you by providing a visual design that accurately reflects your brand’s personality. A beautiful bag will attract attention wherever it goes, an excellent marketing tool for your business.

Clearly, the best paper bags say a lot about your business:

  • Luxury bags invoke a high-quality company with top quality products
  • Well-designed custom bags engage the emotions of customers to create a relationship
  • Proper use of the logos and colors of the brand represents the personality of your brand, wherever the bag is.

Choose a luxury bag that will make you talk about your business.

Take a look at our range of custom paper bags and find the best product for your brand.

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