Home / Health / Body Hair Transplant by Follicular Unit: My experience with patients

Body Hair Transplant by Follicular Unit: My experience with patients



Body hair shafts can be used from the beard, from the stock, and from the ends to treat the buffering when patients have insufficient amounts of scop graft hair, but there are reports on the use of body hair for Treatment baldness is limited to case reports.

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The aim of this study was to assess the results of the body’s hair replanted to the scalp areas of the scalp in selected patients.


From 2005 to 2011, donor hair was transferred from the beard, stock, and sides to the scalp by the extraction of follicular units (FUE) by the author at one location. All patients were contacted by email to assess surgical results and overall satisfaction.


Seventy-nine patients (64.8%) responded to an average time of 2.9 years between the date of the last surgery and the time of the survey. Patients were generally very satisfied with the results of their procedure, giving average scores of at least 7.8 on a scale such as a Likert of 0 to 10 due to their medical status, acquired hair growth in acquired areas, and overall satisfaction with their surgeries. These scores were comparable to the average scores provided by patients with scalp donor sources.


A FUE that uses body hair can be an effective method of hair transplantation for a selected patient population of individuals who suffers heavy baldness or have insufficient scalp donor reserve.

Therapeutic graphic

Material Facial Surgery

It is estimated that up to 12,500 hairs, or about 6000 follicular units of between 2 and 3 hairs, are transplanted pragmatic in the average standard donor area (SDA), which is not considered to be at risk of hair loss due to androgenic alopecia.  However, the people with heavy baldness or donor areas are not heavily exhausted from previous hair restoration procedures for hair transplant methods from the SDA. In these cases, physical hospitalization (BHT) remains a viable option, referring to the use of beard and body hair sources in dealing with baldness. In contrast, it describes the use of body hair reform (BHR). head or body hair in loss areas in nonscalp areas (such as hair restoration or eyelashes of pubs or eyebrows). and combined with hair head, if it is available, to cover scalp and nonscalp areas to improve intense baldness,  creates more natural and softer hairlines, donor strip scraps to repair from previous hair restoration surgeries,   and hair face and body restoration.

While promising that BHT is in place to treat baldness, reports in the literature are limited to case reports. The objectives of the current section are to present the author’s experience in a large series of patients with whom BHT is using FUE, to identify suitable candidates selected for the procedure, to use different donor areas and recipients, and to provide information. Provide for patient satisfaction with the procedure and results.


Study Design

The Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for the Protection of Human Materials were followed. No IRB approval was sought as this was not a potential or systematic investigation. Eligible patients were to be included in the study if they were males and BHT using FUE between September 2005 and October 2011. Only beard hair (facial hair areas and neck hair) were used for strip repair. Body hair was also combined with, when available, hair from the one that contained the scalp’s nape and periauricular (NPA) areas. Informed patient written consent was obtained prior to surgery, and the study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration guidelines.

For more information visit our website FUE with Micro injector in Pakistan

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