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Business Visa Australia – Categories of Business and Investment Visas


Flow of important business archives: For wealthy owners or business owners who wish to have a major management role in a new or existing business in Australia.

Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream: For people who have received at least A $ 1 million in funding from the Australian venture capital firm.

Commercial Innovation and Investment Areas: It is for people who wish to own and manage a new or existing business visa Australia.

Investor Stream is for people who wish to invest at least A $ 5 million in Australia-compliant investments and want to maintain business and investment in Australia after the maturity of the original investment.

Short Stay Business Stream: For business travelers to Australia on a short business visit. This includes going to a conference, negotiations or meeting.

Investor retirement. This visa is designed for self-funded retirees who have no dependents and want to stay in Australia during their retirement years. The visa is temporary and will not result in permanent residence or Australian citizenship.

Application form for a free work visa

  1. Business Visa Australia and Innovation (Temporary) (Phase 1)

The Temporary Visa for Commercial Innovation and Investment is for successful entrepreneurs and investors who intend to invest or engage in business in Australia and contribute to the growth of the Australian economy.


Temporary Visa for Commercial Innovation and Investment has three tracks:

The Business Innovation Stream – For people who have a successful business career and a real and realistic commitment to participate as an owner in a new or existing business in Australia

You must meet the following financial criteria:

This option requires you to own a business and intend to set up business operations in Australia. You’ll need to meet the following if you apply through Business Innovation Stream:

Own a business with turnover of at least A $ 500,000 for 2 of the last 4 financial years.

Net personal and commercial assets are not less than A $ 800,000

The Investor Stream – For persons with a successful track record of qualifying business or qualifying investment activity who will make a certain investment in the state or territory of Australia and has a realistic commitment to continue to maintain business visa Australia or investment in Australia after the specified investment has matured.

You must meet the following financial criteria:

This option requires you to have managed or company-owned investments and be prepared to invest A $ 1.5 million in Australian government or Australian government bonds. If you are applying for an investor flow, the requirements are as follows:

You have a commercial and industrial asset of at least A $ 2.25 million for the last two financial years

You must make an investment of A $ 1.5 million in Australian State or Territory bonds before granting a visa

You have 3 years of experience either in qualifying business management or “qualifying investments” and showed a high level of management skills

For at least one year from the last 5 financial years, you have either:

A business that owns 10% of the shares;

Qualified investments managed at a minimum of A $ 1.5 million

“Qualified investments” for “investor track” purposes include:

Property interests in business

Cash on deposits

Stocks or bonds

Real estate

Gold or bullion

Loan for a commercial project

The Significant Investor Stream – An important investor visa is a 4-year visa for people wishing to invest A $ 5 million in Australia.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Nomination by a state or territory government

Call for submission through SkillSelect

An investment of A $ 5 million in a “restricted investment”.

“Consistent investment” for the purposes of a major investor visa shall include the following:

Government / regional government bonds;

ASIC arranges managed funds making investments in Australian assets. or

Direct investment in Australian companies not included

Unlike other commercial migration categories, there is no age limit for this type of visa.

The Business Visa Australia and Visas program includes access to flexible conditions to help business people achieve permanent residence and encourage creative work. Temporary visa holders who have been granted visas by meeting the requirements for the flow of business innovation may be eligible to apply for a two-year extension of the temporary visa provided they are nominated by a state or territory extension government.

B – Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) Visa (Phase II)

The Permanent Visa for Business Innovation and Investment is designed to attract business to help Australia’s economic development. The visa allows you to stay in Australia on a permanent basis for the purpose of owning a new or existing business. To be eligible for this visa, you must be the main owner of a temporary visa for business and investment creation.

A permanent investment visa in business and investment has two tracks:

The Business Innovation Stream – for people who own and run a business in Australia and have met certain threshold requirements

Investor Flow / Investor Stream – For people who have an investment in an Australian state or territory or restricted investment and want to maintain a business and / or investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured.

  1. Business Talent Visa (Permanent)

Under the Business Visas and Investment Visas program, the Business Talent Visa consists of two tracks:

  1. The history of important business – aims at highly qualified businessmen who own or own part of a business abroad and have a real and real commitment to participate in the management of a new or existing business in Australia

You must meet the following financial criteria:

For at least 2 of the last 4 financial years you have:

Net assets in the business of not less than A $ 400,000; or

10% of the ownership of the company if it is listed company.

The company’s annual business value was at least A $ 3 million in the last two fiscal years

You have a net asset of at least A $ 1.5 million.

  1. Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream – to facilitate the entry of immigrant entrepreneurs with a high potential business idea who have received venture capital funding in Australia. Migrant entrepreneurs will be required to obtain at least A $ 1 million in venture capital financing through a member of Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL) to start early, product marketing or business development and expansion.

Nominations from an Australian state or territory government are mandatory for these two tracks.

After the arrival of the obligations of commercial visa holders

In addition to the requirements that temporary visa holders must adhere to, permanent provisions for monitoring and obligations must be met by commercial talent visa holders.

Business talent visa holders must provide the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Administration) with a contact address within six months of their initial arrival.

Their progress will be monitored after arrival and a letter will be sent to them requesting details of their business 24 months after their initial arrival in Australia.

If a commercial talent visa holder does not make a real effort to obtain a substantial share of ownership in a qualifying company within three years of arrival, he or she may be responsible for canceling the visa under Article 134 of the 1958 Immigration Act.

Temporary and commercial visa holders are required to obtain a shareholding in a trading company in Australia or to retain their investments in Australia for a period of four years. If this condition is not met, they may not be eligible to apply for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa and may be forced to leave Australia.

Why choose immigration law?

Labor migration may be very complex, and even determining whether you have a good chance of qualifying may be difficult. In addition, you may be able to qualify in a number of different business visa Australia and migration categories.

For More Information :  Australia Visa

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