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Children’s Dentistry | Oral Hygiene

Children’s dentistry:

Treating small patients is our greatest concern and pride. And we are glad that more and more parents are realizing that children’s teeth – both milk and permanent – need a full, high-quality treatment. This is what you will find in our clinic. Pediatric dentist san diego in the treatment process use only safe materials for children and the latest painless techniques, so negative emotions and feelings are completely excluded. All procedures are in the form of an interesting game, which helps to form the right attitude in the child

Oral hygiene:

In our clinics, a program is being implemented in which specialists teach children to brush their teeth correctly, talk about the importance of visiting a dentist and help parents, taking into account the peculiarities of the child’s oral cavity, select brushes and toothpastes correctly. Which toothpaste is suitable for children? Children are recommended special children’s toothpastes. Kids while brushing their teeth swallow up to 40% of the paste. Therefore, they can only brush their teeth with adult toothpastes from the age of 12. The abrasiveness of children’s pastes is much lower, they also contain less fluorine or do not contain it at all. In no case should children use whitening toothpastes or products with potent additives, for example, triclosan content. Toothbrush it is better to purchase a special children’s toothbrush with a thick handle, taking into account the structure of the child’s hand. The correct children’s brush in a horizontal position always lies with its bristles up. The head with bristles should be small and compact (the size of two milk teeth). Bright colors and funny drawings help to interest the child. A toothbrush should be replaced at least once every 2 months, and also if the child has a cold or an infectious disease. Prevention Particular attention is paid by our specialists to prevention, which plays an important role in maintaining healthy teeth. This is a set of regular activities that can prevent or stop the development of caries and other diseases. Such procedures include professional oral hygiene, tooth fluoridation, and fissure sealing. Preventive measures are recommended with teething of the first teeth. Professional oral hygiene Professional oral hygiene is recommended for babies from 3-4 years old every 6 months. During this period, a dense coating forms, which is not removed by brushing with ordinary paste. Professional hygiene in children includes brushing your teeth with an electric brush and a paste of low abrasion, which does not affect enamel. After brushing, the teeth are covered with fluoride gel, which makes the surface layer of enamel more mineralized, that is, strong.


Fluorine as one of the most active chemical elements takes an active part in the process of mineralization of teeth. A deficiency of fluoride in water and food contributes to the rapid formation of caries in children. Baby milk and permanent teeth are notable for loose enamel and not particularly hard dentin, therefore it is easy for bacteria to “attack” an unprotected baby’s tooth and, therefore, it is necessary to carry out tooth fluoridation from an early age. Simple or deep fluoridation is used depending on the clinical situation. Fissure Sealing is a quick and painless procedure that is performed in one visit to the dentist. The tooth is first cleaned, then processed, dried and a liquid sealant is applied, which flows into all the recesses. Then it is cured with a special light. Sealants protect the grooves and pits on the chewing surfaces of the teeth, where caries most often begins and are a transparent or white plastic that is applied to the tooth. Treatment of tooth decay some parents naively believe that a spoiled milk tooth does not pose a particular danger to the oral cavity and the body as a whole, because soon it will fall out and a healthy permanent tooth will grow in its place. This is a very big mistake, because milk teeth create all the conditions for healthy growth of future permanent teeth, thereby ensuring the correct formation of the dentition. Restoration of deciduous teeth one of the effective methods of maintaining dental health is the restoration of deciduous teeth with strip crowns (strip crowns). Its essence is the use of special removable celluloid caps (made of a material that transmits radiation from a lamp for polymerization), which are filled with a photocomposite. After installation on the prepared frontal milk tooth, the composite is photopolymerized, the cap is removed, and the resulting restoration is sanded, polished and subjected to finish photopolymerization. The procedure with all stages takes only 20 minutes. Surgery Tooth extraction our specialists for the preservation of primary teeth! Indeed, early removal of primary teeth leads to various disorders: adjacent teeth are displaced, making it difficult to erupt a permanent tooth, which appears out of place. This leads to cosmetic defects, diction disorders. And in the future may require long-term orthodontic treatment. It is also important to know that lack of teeth makes it difficult to chew food and causes various problems with the digestive system.

The frenulum of the tongue and lips is the folds of the mucous membrane, which are normally located in the midline and carry out additional attachment of the lips and tongue to the jaw bones. It often happens that a child has a very short bridle. Untimely plastic surgery of the frenum of the tongue and lips can lead to impaired function of the formation of speech and the process of chewing food. A short bridle can lead to the formation of a gingival pocket and, as a result, the deposition of tartar and inflammation of the gums. In addition, if the frenulum of the lower lip is not corrected in time, the teeth of the lower jaw become unstable, their roots are exposed. The procedure for plastic surgery of the bridle of children is carried out in two ways. In the classical method, the surgeon uses a scalpel in his work, an alternative and more modern way is laser surgery using a medical diode laser. The whole procedure takes an average of 15-20 minutes in time. Orthodontics Parents need to think about the child’s smile even before the first tooth appears. After all, an incorrect bite leads to a violation of speech and chewing function, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, crowding of teeth, in turn, leads to poor hygiene, and in the future to caries and early tooth loss. In 12 dentistry, the correction of the occlusion of children is carried out using both removable and non-removable orthodontic structures. The first are all kinds of trainers, mouth guards and records that children wear painlessly thanks to the use of modern anesthetics. Tongue and lip frenum plastic surgery

From about twelve years old, at the moment when all the permanent teeth appeared, the correction of the occlusion in children can be carried out by wearing braces. We have a wide selection of different options. For example, metal braces, durable, but quite noticeable on the teeth. There are also more aesthetic versions – plastic, sapphire, ceramic, lingual braces. A more modern technique, by the standards of physiology and comfort for a child, is the Damon self-ligating braces. They are more comfortable in terms of adaptation of the mucosa, oral hygiene, and a decrease in the number of visits to the dentist. Periodontology Diseases of the gums and oral mucosa, such as gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, glossitis, cheilitis, are easier and more common in children than in adults. That teeth are cut, then fall out. It will hurt with a toy, then it will fall. Moreover, in adolescence, when hormonal changes are taking place in the child’s body, the gums also suffer. What to do when a child’s gums hurt? See a doctor as soon as possible! Remember, blisters under the tongue, rashes on the tongue and cheeks, gum irritation can be the beginning of the disease. Periodontists of our dentistry will always help your children and prescribe the necessary treatment!

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