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Electric inspection process

Any errors in the installation are detected during the inspection. As well as damaged accessories. This is achieved through visual inspections of accessible wiring and accessories and a series of electrical tests on each individual circuit to identify any wiring defects that are not visible during the visual inspection. This is where experience in electrical inspections and Electrical Certificate London really counts, because the electrician who completes the tests must interpret a series of test results recorded in the EICR.

Test results

The test results can show whether one of the circuits used has loose connections, broken continuity of conductors in circuits and whether the cable or the insulation of the conductors has been damaged or corroded over time.

If the tests are not performed by a qualified electrician, the test results may not be accurate or may not be interpreted correctly. This can cause errors to be missed or errors to be registered inaccurately. Both can have a major impact on the health and safety of everyone who uses the installation, as well as financially for everyone who pays for inaccurate observations that need to be corrected.

The accurate interpretation of the test results comes with experience, because there are many factors to take into account. An example of this may be devices or accessories that are still connected to their respective circuits. An example of this can be found when inspecting light circuits. It is always a good practice to perform tests at the farthest point on each circuit, so that as many circuit wiring as possible is included in the test. On lighting circuits with dim switches still connected, the test results can be interpreted because there is a loose connection in the circuit, while in fact the copper coil in the dimmer module influences the test results.

electrical certificate London

 Cables inspection

Another example could be a misinterpretation of the power capacity of a cable. Although cables of different sizes can contain different amounts of electricity, there are also several other factors that need to be taken into account. This can be seen when cables are bundled together or in a thermally insulated wall. Both reduce the power capacity of the cables. The fuses for each circuit protect the cables against overload. If the carrying capacity of cables is misinterpreted and the incorrect overcurrent protection is installed, this can cause a fire if the circuit draws too much electricity through the cables.


To complete the required tests to complete the electrical report, access to different points on each circuit is required. There are different types of tests that must be performed during the inspection and to accurately complete the electrical certificate, the power supply to each circuit must be periodically isolated. While the tests are completed, a visual inspection of the internal wiring for different parts of the installation is also completed and if the test results or visual inspection give cause for concern, this is mentioned in the observations section of the electrical report (EICR).

Once the electrical inspection is complete, installation details, test results, and observations are entered into digital software that further checks the test results to highlight potential oversites.

After the electrical report and the observations have been completed, a quotation for possible repair work can be provided on request. London Property Inspections always recommends that customers receive more than one quote from an accredited contractor for any repair work. This is to give customers the assurance that all observations made are real and that our prices remain competitive with the current market. After all repair work has been completed, a modified certificate is issued as part of the quoted price of London Property Inspection.

Click here for info: Cp12 Certificate London


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