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Hair Transplant in Lahore

Best FUE Hair Transplant in Pakistan

Are Hair Transplants Safe?

People who are going to receive a transplant always ask: are hair transplants safe? To be honest, there is not a one-word answer to this question. This procedure is usually safe when performed by qualified surgeons who know what they are doing. Even so, the results vary from one individual to another and the results cannot be accurately predicted.

Hair Transplant Center in Pakistan
Hair Transplant Center in Pakistan

Infection and Bleeding

Almost all surgeries are at risk of infection and also hair transplantation. Cases of infection are very rare and antibiotics are used to prevent infections. Healing is common and is usually caused by stress. Excessive bleeding can also occur in some cases. There is another risk in this procedure that the graft is not successful. Sometimes, when the graft is moved to a new position, the hair inside the skin plug dies. In these circumstances, the surgery must be done again.

Persistent bleeding is very rare in hair restoration surgery, but it can occur. In each procedure, a little bleeding is expected, but it can be stopped by applying pressure. When persistent bleeding occurs, bandage pressure should be applied. Patients also feel numb up to 3 weeks after the procedure. This is inevitable. However, if the numbness lasts even after the given period, you should consult your doctor.

Are Hair Transplants Safe in FUE method?

The question, “they are safe for hair transplants“, often goes to the mega session FUE. In this transplant, more than 4000 grafts are performed. As the number of grafts is greater, the chances of scarring are also greater. In addition, too many hairs are pulled and grafted at the same time, so the body also suffers shock or trauma. Some people have a genetic susceptibility to extreme scarring, so they could suffer this side effect.

Cysts and Hiccups

When you ask, are hair transplants safe, you should also consider how safe they are? In some cases, cysts are also formed as a result of hair restoration. This happens when the follicles penetrate deeper into the skin’s tissues and damage the skin. These packages are mostly benign, but it is recommended that they be checked by an expert doctor. Normally, these cysts disappear on their own, but it is always best to get an exam from a specialist.

Very interesting, setbacks are also common in people who undergo hair transplant surgeries. Sometimes hiccups can last for several hours, while in other cases, they can last for weeks. 5% of people who receive a hair transplant probably suffer this side effect. Compared with patients with scalp reduction, the occurrence of hiccups is more in cases of hair transplantation.

Pain and Swelling

Are hair transplants safe in terms of pain and discomfort? Well, they are not. Sometimes, the pain is bearable and patients do not need any medication. In other cases, the pain may be too much and analgesics advise patients. This pain is due to the damaged scalp and the pain disappears once the scalp heals. Like pain, swelling is also rare and short-lived. The maximum that lasts is up to two days. In 1% of cases, a black eye can develop. Patients should know that all medical procedures have their risks. You should do your own research and get guidance from the best professionals before making a decision. Just immerse yourself in a decision if you are completely comfortable and aware of the results. For more details about results and risks, click on


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