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when I tested my first CGM system and have spent the last seven years or so grateful that this technology exists. If I knew what I know now … actually, I started TRY CGM as fast as I could, and stayed. Why I wanted CGM is an easy question to answer, but there are a few things I wish I had known before I started:

I wish I had known that some of the sensors would hurt. Many diabetes devices are “painless” branded! and “I’m just sorry” advertising slogans, which I think sucks. We are talking about a needle that pierces your skin and leaves a wire behind, under your skin, for a week at a time. To think that each sensor will slide under your skin with just a whisper is bullshit. Some of the sensors hurt like hell when they pierce my skin, and sometimes it takes an hour, or a day, for the site to stabilize and not feel as sensitive. But most of the time, it’s a reasonably quick pinch and then reasonably painless for the duration of the wear. Your mileage may vary with each sensor.

I wish I knew that the data would be addictive at first. The first time I used a sensor, it was in 2006 and it was one of the first commercialized versions of the system. But I was hooked on the data. I looked at the receiver every five minutes and went crazy trying to make sense of the trends.  During the first few weeks of using TRY CGM, I drowned in the data, obsessively checking it out and chasing slight rises in blood sugar with aggressive correction boluses. I needed to learn how to let the data flow in my administration, not change the flow of my administration.


I wish I had known it would go through data depletion, and that’s fine. After giving birth to my daughter, I went through post-pregnancy exhaustion (adjusting to motherhood, put my diabetes on the back burner for a few months) and for several weeks, TRY CGM was used to control my nights but not much more. I was not in a mental state to micromanage my numbers, and instead needed the Dexcom graph to confirm that I was at a blood sugar level stable enough to care for my son. The data was too many at times, and he often turned off the high alarm because it sounded relentlessly.

I wish I had known that thresholds were individual choices. Everyone manages their diabetes in a different way, and even one person can have different styles and preferences. For a few years, I wanted to see my blood sugar levels between 60 and 220 mg / dL. I like to know when my blood sugar levels are above 140 mg / dL because that gives me a chance to avoid them on the pass and keep them from rising to 180 and 200. Some people roll their eyes at wide thresholds, while others they judge by not having the lines “tight enough”. Setting your TRY CGM alarms is a personal decision and should work for you and your medical team.

I had to know, and been ready to accept, the fact that using a second device was going to be a bummer. I wear my sensor on the outside of my thigh and the lump is quite obvious at times. When I go running, you can clearly see the contour of the sensor through my running pants (and you can almost read the word ” TRY CGM ” through running tights). In a tighter dress, the lump on my thigh is unmistakable. And sometimes if the sensor is too strong or too low it is right under where my jeans pocket is located which makes it feel especially awkward and uncomfortable. Of course, there are many occasions when it is barely noticeable, if at all. (And it’s always fun and a little cheeky to talk about.

I wish I had known that I would learn to trust the algorithm. At first, I had to learn how to use my TRY CGM, and I had to let the transmitter “teach” me. The numbers I saw, compared to my meter in 2006, weren’t close, but I needed to understand that the TRY GCM provides trends, not exact blood sugar results. (The thing doesn’t even test the blood sugar level, but the interstitial fluid. However, knowing that still doesn’t make me want to throw all the technologies across the room when the meter and CGM are 100 apart points). And even now, using the latest iteration of the system, the results are almost right with my ether, but I need to remind myself to test my blood sugar level to confirm how accurate. For more information visit our site.



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