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Your Teeth with Bright Smile

Sleep and your teeth

Wondering if your teeth are suffering from sleep? Ask us on your next visit.
Every night you drift into the unconscious, maybe the last thing you think of is your teeth. However, our sleep can greatly affect our teeth and oral health.

Not getting enough deep sleep and rest is a common health problem but is overlooked. Insufficient sleep due to sleep apnea increases the risk of coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. It can also affect our teeth.

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When the muscles in the throat relax during sleep, the airway can be partially blocked. This can reduce the flow of oxygen. We respond through awakening to gasp for air. It can happen without even realizing waking up.
Imagine this happening hundred of times every night. No wonder you’re tired all day long!

This sleep disorder often involves oral breathing. Waking up with a dry mouth, sore throat or headache is a common sign of oral breathing.

The Reaction of Dry Mouth

When we sleep, our body naturally reduces the production of saliva. Saliva is extremely important for chewing and digestion, but it neutralizes acids and maintains oral hygiene and moisture. Breathing through the mouth instead of our nose can dry our teeth and gums.

This causes the soft tissue to shrink and gives bacteria a foothold to grow. This is not only uncomfortable, but can set the condition for bad breath, infection, and eventual gum disease.

Obviously, brushing your teeth before bed is essential. But it is not necessary to do this immediately before entering. Many types of toothpaste can dry your mouth. Brushing an hour or two before bed may be better.

The Reaction of Grinding Teeth

Grinding teeth is another problem that can affect our teeth at night. The technical term is openness.
Nocturnal teeth grinding can cause early erosion of your teeth, damaging the enamel layer. Some researchers believe that grinding teeth is a reaction designed to move the jaw forward to increase airflow.

The most common treatment option is to wear a mouth guard or bite splint that can prevent the upper and lower jaw from contacting.

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The Reaction of great sleep

Sleep is a vital part of good health. It gives us a chance to rest, repair and regain our energy for another day. It enhances our immune system and helps promote better health – better oral health.
Enamel is strong: a bright smile

Using Fluoride Mouth Rinse may be Helpful for your Teeth.

If you have normal teeth, your smile reveals the enamel state that covers the outer layer of all teeth. It’s the hardest and most mineralized substance in your body.

With the same strength, there is no match for the acid produced by the bacteria in your mouth.

The Result? Tooth Decay.

The enamel forms a barrier that protects the most sensitive inner layers of the teeth. It is important to do what you can to avoid eroding the enamel on your teeth. The corrosion process is called metal removal.

Saliva: the first line of defense

Removing minerals can produce cavities or white spots on the surface of your teeth. Whether minerals are leaking from Minak or reinforced, they depend on our mouth.

The most important aspect of the mouth ecosystem is your saliva.
Your saliva contains minerals that help strengthen your teeth while keeping your mouth less acidic. These minerals, mostly calcium and phosphorus, are constantly exchanged on the surface of your teeth.

In addition, your saliva helps keep your mouth in a slightly neutral or alkaline state.

If you are healthy, your mouth should be pH alkaline in the range of 7.5 to 8.5. This is the ideal environment for re-mineralization. When there is enough saliva, your teeth and oral tissues are protected. You can chew, swallow and talk. In addition, you are less likely to develop bacteria, yeasts or viruses.

This is why dry mouth (dry mouth) from sleep apnea can affect the health of your teeth.

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What you can do?

Mineral removal and remineralization are natural processes. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to avoid losing tooth enamel. You are likely to be familiar with most of them:
• Brush your teeth at least twice a day and be sure to floss. This reduces the growth of bacteria responsible for acids that harm tooth enamel.
• Avoid consuming sugary foods and drinks. Acid bacteria produce mouth feast on sugar.
Eat foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, especially green leafy vegetables, cheese, fish and eggs.
• Get regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning. Early detection of demineralization improves treatment options.
• Consider oral care products that help re-mineralize by containing fluoride and natural calcium.

There has been some progress in creating commercial products that can help re-mineralize our teeth. But in the end, good oral care habits matter more.

For more details visit our site Versaillesdental Clinic

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