Home / Health / Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator; a Virtual Reality Training System

Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator; a Virtual Reality Training System


In this section, we offer a portable laparoscopic simulator and free presentation called (Portable Auxiliary Surgical Simulator), which allows training through a web-based interface and blends the benefits of learning management systems too. A computer-based   approach (binocular vision system using two web videos) is used to locate the location of surgical crises within a back-to-work workspace that sits within a briefcase. All tool moves are streamlined to a server, and trainees see their offers in real time in a virtual browser-based environment that envisages the surgery task. Currently, three different virtual tasks have been designed to help trainees learn specific laparoscopic skills.

Click here: Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator


The Company enables trainees to practice surgical tasks and manual coordination exercises. These exercises run in a web browser, which is hosted on a web server that collects the information required to demonstrate the function of each trainee. Tutors can see progress as trainees train their surgical skills through these standardized tasks. Full exercises can be re-delivered to allow tutors to explain to them the areas for improvement that need to be improved. All trainees and instructors have unique names and passwords and tutors can only see the results of their trainees.

The interface between users and training system

Completion time for tasks and the area of ​​instrument paths, among the main criteria in existing surgical training, is submitted to trainees immediately after their performance. This element gives trainees the opportunity to assess their learning and performance based on their previous tests.

The software components used to create this simulator include Gerati (to track laparoscope instrument locations in physical hardware), Unity (for the virtual environment), and MySQL (to manage the data).

Instrument Tracking

The triangulation method is used to find the position of the incubators in the workspace as two video cameras look at it. A color detection / segmentation approach is used to locate the precise position of men in the image streams derived from the web pages. The two angular movement (pitch and yaw), plus the movement of tourists are calculated at the pivot points, using colored marker attached to each sticker. Sites provide additional colored markers on solvent meals, plus graspers center location, enough information to measure the angles during opening and closing of the limbs.

The cross-product is used to measure the angle between three points (two colored dots on the tooth branches and the center of the colored sticker on the solvent):


Where a and b are the vectors from both markers affixed to the center of the colored sticker on the solvent shaft, respectively.

The rotation of the grasper is


The rotation is the parent where c is the distance between the two goats and d the vertical distance refers to these two points.


The main aim of this project is to develop a portable and inexpensive simulator that enables trainees to practice laparoscopic skills wherever they wish, including in a remote-deployed location. The concept of portable and cost-effective design was achieved by adding a foldable enclosure to two cameras in a regular information sheet, which provides sufficient work space for two grasps to shape laparoscopic surgery.


The complete package (mechanism, two instruments and laptop) are in a regular information sheet, foldable enclosure design. Two cameras are located under the “ceiling” of workspace (below the enclosure) and a parallel mechanism is used to facilitate or reduce the mechanism. This construction mechanism offers a convenient way to pull up the top of the mechanism in a better position to create enough work space for the webcams.

For more information visit our website Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator

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