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A good pocket knife

Why not a good pocket knife? I do not think so. Think about it just a minute. It is a gift that is worn most of the time in a pocket (or a purse or pocket book). So, if you look at it like that, then you think most of the time. How cool is it? And there are many types of pocket knives for different people. Let’s start with the Damascus1 knives, Case Knives and Buck Knives. They really make cool (and quality) pocket knives that can help you match that hard-to-find person.

How to choose the right pocket knife

How to choose the right pocket knife will depend on the needs of each individual. So, you may need to do a little research on the person or people for whom you are buying. Is this person often outside? A pocket knife with a knife and possibly other tools may be preferable. And do not forget the friend with his tail and parked on the parking lot of his favorite team for big game. Some pocket knives have a convenient bottle opener and corkscrew that may not always be available in these situations. And what about the passionate golfer? I know that Case knives and Buck knives have several pocket knives with tools that would help golfers. There are those who love camping, fishing and hunting. (I’m sure you can think of at least one person to whom you can not find a gift that falls into this category) There are pocket knives that can be used to saw wood, kill and clean fish and prepare meals. I know of several made by both Case Knives and Buck Knives that fit this bill.

Many varieties of beautiful pocket knives

Pocket knives are not designed for outdoor use only. Pocket knives can fit easily in a briefcase or purse and have a rather elegant look. And there are many varieties of beautiful pocket knives with beaded handles that would make a sensational gift. There comes a time in every boy’s life when he becomes a young man. Many of these young men are given pocket knives to commemorate this experience. This makes sense as these portable accessories are perhaps the favorite knife of all collectors and outdoor enthusiasts.

Handmade Pocket KnivesHandmade Pocket Knives

Why So popular

Of course, why is this type of knife so popular? The idea of having two or three different types of blades is very attractive and practical for most people, even if you are not an outdoor type. You never know when you might need a handy and versatile tool. These items are also popular because they are designed for safety and ease of use. First, the blades lock, which means that accidents caused by equipment failure are very rare. Whether open or closed, you will not have to worry about inadvertently going to the other position.

Clever safety feature

Second, each blade has a dedicated section that facilitates its removal from the closed position. This is another clever safety feature that minimizes accidental cuts by forcing you to open each blade in the safest possible way. In the same spirit, the shape of each blade is designed to maximize its strengths in use, not at rest. Each knife is different, each with its own sense of character and personality, which can be one of the reasons why it is such a popular gift. It’s not necessarily so often that a young man really needs it – and they are not so expensive that he can not buy one himself – but it suggests that a man should only count on his instinct to survive.

Looking for something simple

Whether you are looking for something simple and practical, or all-inclusive and really practical, you have a choice of many varieties. If you search online, you will surely find a wide selection of styles, but also attractive prices for the thrifty consumer.

Pocket knives are really the perfect accessory for any outdoor activity. Whether you are a fisherman, hunter, camper, mountain biker or pioneer, you can not really leave your home without this reliable tool. It can save your life when you need to repair a shelter, clean your catch and prepare a meal, or in case you need to make a fire. Of course, there are also practical uses, if you are not one to “brutalize”.

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