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Best Hunting Knives 2019

In ancient times, it was common for weapons used for war to be the tool for hunting, with the evolution of hunting knives and military knives parallel to each other; it has firmly established the hunting knife as a key figure in the world of cutlery. The hunting Damascus Pocket Knife has become an indispensable tool for today’s hunter, with many knives that are mainly used in the practice of sport.

Types of Blades

The most common types of blades are drop point and cut point. Other types include the point, the spearhead and the end point. The clip point is typically very pointed and provides excellent control. While the drop point is typically wider and more durable. One way in which hunting blades differ from those of survival knives is that survival knives have often a jagged edge to cut branches to make emergency shelters, etc., while the cutting edge is a rarity in these knives.

Pocket Knife


Different Types of Hunting Knives

Hunting knives can generally be categorized into 4 categories:

  1. The fixed blade which is the most popular type
  2. The pocket knife that moves away from strict applications related to hun and can include things like scissors and files.
  3. The folding knife that is a small type of knife in which the blade is locked to accidental prevents closing of the fingers.
  4. In these, the vast majority of hunting knives are fixed blade knives with the folding knife that constitutes a good part of the remaining market. 

How to Choose the Right Type of Hunting Knife?

You can get the information you need to choose the right hunting knife from our blog. Some publications like this can help you find the knife you are looking for.

Buffalo Horn Hunting Knives

Olive wood has a very characteristic and appreciated appearance. The irregularity of their veins and the complex drawings they make each piece unique. The Buffalo Horn knife kit is one of the best options on the market. This kit includes two perfect knives for our hunting days. This knife kit known as Buffalo consists of two knives: 21 cm blade and 13.5 cm blade. Steel: 440, leather case.

Damascus Bowie Hunting Knife

Knife with integral blade manufactured by Best.Buy.Damascus1, especially suitable for auction and hunting. Handle made of deer antler with rosette. Damascus steel Knife Brass Bolster.

This knife with integral blade is especially suitable for auction and hunting. Manufactures for more than half a century of history has a variety of “auction” models. It uses among its materials the best noble woods and antlers, so each knife is unique “No two are alike.”

This knife has a double-edged blade, whose main objective is penetrating and sharp. It has two sharp asymmetric blades that narrow to join a very thin tip, which easily penetrates white objects.

Hunting Pocket Knife

The hunting pocket knife is a knife for hunting auction with stainless steel integral blade it is a knife with integral blade manufactured by Best.Buy.Damascus1, especially suitable for auction and hunting. Made of steel An-58 of 235 with 23.5 cm. long and 4 mm thick with double edge. Rose wood handle. Total length 365 mm. Brown leather case for the belt.

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