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How to stay feminine at work?

How to remain woman, feminine and professional at work?

We have already mentioned the imperative need to correspond to the written or implicit codes of the professional environment in which you operate. The right balance and the right balance are not always easy to find. Looking too masculine will make you look like a man disguised as a woman. An overly feminine appearance will cast doubt on your skills, your authority, your legitimacy, and will above all be “out of context”.

This beautiful phrase from Mademoiselle M finds special meaning when it comes to asserting yourself and / or occupying high positions in a particularly conservative sector. Indeed, appearance matters a lot and the “wrong kind” can immediately rob you of all credibility. And combining femininity and seriousness with professionalism at work is not always easy.

The advice we are going to give you here will allow you to exude authority and professionalism without feeling disguised and… while remaining a woman. This way you will feel in your place and can let yourself be gauged and judged with complete peace of mind – since one does not escape these more or less benevolent examinations.

A strict professional style to be authoritative: sober cuts

You probably already know this, but it is worth remembering that the tailor is then one of your best friends, if not your first ally. Now there is clearly “tailor” and “tailor”. Don’t panic, we’ll also show you how to brighten it up. You will therefore opt for the skirt or pants suit. A dress with a jacket is also a good option.

The cuts will be structured, crisp, close to the body without molding it. Avoid cuts that give an impression of blur or that are loose.

In the same vein, clean lines are preferred, even if a little fantasy is allowed. A camisole under the jacket in summer is perfectly acceptable!

Colors to choose well to stay feminine at work

The colors are important and the shades are positioned in neutral registers: black, gray, navy, brown … become the framework of this wardrobe. Also think of eggplant, forest green, wine lees, petroleum tones to bring a nice touch of modernity to your outfit and stand out from the smooth uniform of the executive woman.

In these colors, prints, discreet of course, stripes, small checks and small dots are authorized. Flowers or abstract designs should be avoided.

If you’re unsure of what colors and shades you like, now is the time to call in an image professional to define them. This will allow you to wear the colors that make you stand out the most. Your bright colors or your best pastels paired with your darkest colors will allow you to create the chiaroscuro contrast best suited to formal situations and show yourself to your advantage.

In general, use lighter or brighter tones for blouses for women UAE, shirts, scarves.

Do not put together a whole look in your pastel tone at the risk of sending back a “light”, almost “fragile” image that does not correspond to the code of the company in which you operate. If you like light colors, wait until summer to wear light-colored jackets with a dark-colored blouse: black, navy…

Good-wearing fabrics to stay feminine at work

For these cuts and colors that we have just defined, we need plain fabrics preferably, smooth, dry to the touch that will allow you to keep a neat look throughout the day, a neat look to which makeup and accessories chosen with the same care will contribute. !


For more details, please visit: holaamor.org

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