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Website Audit Tools Every Seo Must Know


Recently I realized that all my Mondays seem to be disappearing on a gigantic day, always doing the same.
That’s because Mondays are control days (just like Wednesdays, but that’s another problem).
Every Monday I ignore all the emails that have accumulated during the last hours of Friday and during the weekend. I open a browser that is only meant for audits, I put on my headphones and immediately immerse myself in it.
Fortunately, I really enjoy doing audits. Otherwise, I could have lost it at some point, but doing a website check is like playing archeology and being a detective at the same time.
Over the years I have purchased a very reliable arsenal of tools that I trust to do the actual digging for me. Now I know we all have our favorites, and we can give preference to one or the other, but here is my opinion of the control tools that all SEO agencies should know at least. Note that there is no specific order or method for the list.



The first thing to do is go to Analytics and Search Console and analyze the traffic, traffic sources, landing pages, user behavior, time spent, bounce rate, keywords, classifications and all those funny things Know your bases before proceeding with another tool.
Some SEO tend to neglect this first step that I often find, but the best place to start an audit is to analyze what you already have and the best place to do it is the most reliable source. Although all the other tools I have mentioned are excellent, they can never be as accurate or reliable as your own Google duo.
Another good thing to do now is to outline a list of improvements and ideas that you have achieved by simply looking at this raw data. The tools will help you find more, but your own experience and imagination will turn that data into useful steps. It is one thing to know where you can find the data: knowing what to do with them is a totally different matter.


Woorank is an excellent all-in-one tool if you are looking for a quick and easy way to discover how you can improve a website. Analyze more than 70 statistics (including SEO and social cues) and it will undoubtedly offer you a good start.
The disadvantage of Woorank is that the data it offers are a bit too broad and not always detailed enough. Each segment you focus on can be analyzed with a special tool, but there is no better option for a quick audit.
However, if you are looking for something in depth, you should also use some other tools.


More than a tracker that a control tool, ScreamingFrog is the dream of an SEO. Although the interface may not be really nice, the data you can use to find information is infinite if you know how to use the tracker and how to interpret the data you get.
The tool can scrape any website and provide data that must be compiled manually. Think in terms of redirects, broken links, metadata, word counts, titles, etc. It can also help you discover thin pages and weak content, and it is generally a great benefit for the analysis on the page.


Another type of all-in-one tool, SEMRush has an audit function that gives you data to work on (although it’s pretty basic), which includes suggestions for titles and metadata, link creation opportunities and content ideas.
The content verification feature is also useful and can help you quickly move through your pages and provide a truly valuable insight into the available solutions.
Another way to use it is for research by competitors: the information that is revealed is very different from that offered by the tools mentioned below, so it can be a good objective to compare the results you get from each one.


There is an endless discussion in the SEO world about the winner in this fight.
Although each of us is a clear favorite, all of these tools are excellent for certain parts of the audit you perform.
It is true that you can do it without Moz. Their power of rotation and tracking are not comparable with those of Ahrefs, but they simply reopen their function as Link Explorer, so it would be good to be attentive to the developments.
Majestic has a unique cash flow statistic, which is very different from the evaluation / proficiency domain of the other two. It is also ideal for mass web site analysis, link audits, and can often pick up things that Ahrefs will not do. Use it to check the backlinks and the possible link search.
The current leader of this package for me is Ahrefs: with the functions that keep adding, you can only rely on your tool for your audit.
It can help you search for keywords, offer classification prospects, analysis of backlinks, your content explorer is excellent for working on content marketing ideas, its audit function is also comprehensive, provides information on anchors and pages of the competition , in general, A great tool to have in your arsenal.


Speaking of content audits, Copyscape is another tool you should know. It helps to find duplicate content with which your website is trying; It is always an important fact that you should verify.


Based on keywords and associated tools, the Google Keyword Planner is the obvious place to start (except the Search Console). While some may claim that this is the most accurate information you can find, remember that this tool is designed for non-organic paid search results, so it is possible that the results you get will not apply to your SEO campaigns.
Another disadvantage is that only accounts that spend a significant amount of ads get the most accurate data, the unspent accounts get a wide range of results.


If the keyword planner fails, there is WordTracker. Praised by NextScoop as the best keyword research tool that exists, it is undoubtedly a great resource: it provides results in minutes and the data it reveals is really useful. Do not forget to always check your Search Console to see how your efforts are rewarded.
There are also dozens, if not hundreds of tools that offer an Audit SEO function: some are free, others require payment, but most only offer a very broad image. They may be a good place to start, but a good in-depth analysis requires more staff and more tooling power.

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