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Surgery or cosmetic care: precautions to take

What to know before taking the plunge

– Choose the right practitioner

– The quote is mandatory

– The cooling-off period: 2 weeks to be sure of your choice

Choosing the right practitioner

  • How not to make a mistake?

How to choose the right practitioner? This is the central question that all candidates for cosmetic surgery or medicine ask themselves. But the answer is not easy.

Of course, word of mouth can be very useful, but it is still necessary to be able to compare what is comparable. A successful nose operation includes a variety of face and forehead lift instruments set that help the surgeon in getting success.

Moreover, all patients are not alike; do not have the same expectations, the same fears.

In all cases, one should seek a qualified plastic surgery practitioner. You can check this with the National Council of the Order of Physicians. Beware of advertisements, and keep in mind that a practitioner with a high profile on TV isn’t necessarily the best.

Take the time to see several doctors. Choose someone who can advise you, weigh your requests if necessary, and explain the expected results, the follow-up to the intervention.

In addition, check that the practitioner practices in an establishment that has received approval from the Ministry of Health.

The quote is required

  • Observe the regulations

The regulations require the practitioner to give you a quote before any cosmetic procedure. This estimate must contain the following information in particular:

– The name, address, registration number with the departmental council of the order of physicians, qualification in a specialty and / or exclusive competence in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery issued by the National Council of the Order doctors and the existence or not of professional liability insurance for the practitioner, guaranteeing him for the planned act;

– The place of performance of the service, specifying for private health establishments, the approval number issued by the departmental health and social affairs directorate;

– The precise nature of the planned act and the necessary anesthesia, the proposed date (medical information concerning the act can be given on a separate document);

– The detailed account, in quantity and price, of each service and product necessary for the planned act. When medical devices or injectable cosmetic products are used, they must be officially authorized. Remember to ask for references (brand, manufacturer, etc.).

Good to know! The estimate must be signed by the practitioner (s).

A duty of information

The Public Health Code does not set any rule regarding the medical and technical information that must be given when submitting the estimate. But case law is very clear in this regard.

The cosmetic surgery operation not having a curative character, the risks and the squeal that it may involve, even mild or rare, as well as any additional treatments must be fully explained to the person considering it.

The operating techniques must be specified to you and cannot be modified without your agreement. In general, a detailed file is given to the patient to mention all these points.

The reflection period: 2 weeks to be sure of your choice

  • A moment to think carefully

From the submission of the quote, a reflection period of 15 days must be observed before any intervention. This period cannot be reduced even at your request.

If you change your mind during this time, you don’t have to do anything special.

If you accept the intervention (and the estimate established by the practitioner), you must give “your informed consent”, by which you certify having had all the necessary information (nature of the anesthesia, price, and risk of complications inherent to intervention of this type). You will have to certify that the surgeon has answered all your questions, and that you have all the elements in hand to understand the progress and the risks of this surgical act.


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